Monday, 2 July 2018

Celebrating 4th of July with a Bang – Visit Brighton CO for a Memorable Experience

Celebrate The 4th of July A Memorable Experience

As you might already know, Wednesday, July the 4th 2018 is one of the most special days of the calendar. The city of Brighton CO knows this fully, and strives each year to provide visitors and locals with the best possible experience, including the organization of special events and of course, loud and exciting fireworks displays unlike any other in the local area.


This year it’s definitely worth the effort to visit Brighton on the 4th of July. The experience will bring you concerts, special events for children, an awesome fireworks event and plenty of friendly people for you to mingle with.


Brighton is one place in Colorado where you won’t get bored this Independence Day. With lots of entertainment coming from the Soul School, live music performances in genres such as jazz, country, rock and funk, and even well-known performers like DJ Tidalwave, the event is sure to appeal to your musical senses.


The music events and fireworks are all expected to be a success, and families can also enjoy bringing their children and pets along, as there will be plenty of fun activities for them as well. Brighton will surprise you with well-organized events and a lively and exciting atmosphere that you won’t soon forget.  Come to Brighton and celebrate the 4th of July with Roll ‘Em Out Shelves seen here

Originally Posted right here: Celebrating 4th of July with a Bang – Visit Brighton CO for a Memorable Experience

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